Tuesday 8 April 2014

Five gods in ovoko community: their functions and comparisons with the power of Jesus

Definition of gods and deities
 The English mini dictionary defines god as a supernatural being or spirit of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality, it could be an idol.. Another dictionary defined a god as a being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient and the principal object of faith and worship.
Oxford dictionary defined a deity as a god or goddess, the state of being divine, the rank, status, or position of a god.
   In my community gods are still been revered and given respect. The essence of divination in my community is the provision for resolving one difficulty or the other that the community encounters. The diviner referred to as dibiaafa or Igba aja is a busy person among the adherents. He is consulted for practically all problems, sicknesses and failure in business or failure to have a male child, boundary disputes, sudden death, etc. After determining the cause of the problem, the diviner then prescribes remedies which more often than not are sacrifices to be made to the ancestors or to the spirits believed to be angry about something.

Five gods in ovoko community: their functions and comparisons with the power of Jesus

Ala the Earth goddess is regarded as the arch-divinity and seen as the goddess of fertility and guardian of morality, a power which controls - divinities and a force which brings fortune and economic prosperity. She is the most important Alusi (deity). Ala rules over the underworld which holds the deceased ancestors in her womb. Her name literally translates to 'Ground' in the Igbo language, denoting her powers over the earth and her status as the ground itself.
Functions- As the goddess of morality, Ala is involved in judging human actions and is in charge of Igbo law and customs known as 'Omenala'. Taboos and crimes that are against the standard of Ala are called nsọ Ala. All ground is considered 'Holy land' as it is Ala herself. With human fertility, Ala is credited for the productivity of the land. Ala's messenger and living agent on earth is the python.
It is said that if a person commits a taboo in a community, that they have also desecrated or insulted Ala, as the abomination was committed on her earth. Ala is also responsible for many aspects of guardianship of women and children in general. She is often depicted with a small child in her arms and her symbol is the crescent moon. It is believed that the souls of the dead reside in her sacred womb. All in the community have to respect Ala as everybody lives on ala, the earth. It was sometimes believed that Ala could swallow you up into the underground.

Agwu Nsi

 Agwu Nsi, is the Alusi of health and divination. He is one of the concepts that was used to explain and understand good and evil, health and sickness, wealth and poverty, and fortune and misfortune. 

 Ikenga  is a horned deity. It is mostly maintained, kept or owned by men and occasionally by women of high reputation and integrity in the society. It comprises someone's Chi (personal god), his Ndichie (ancestors), aka Ikenga (right hand), ike (power) as well as spiritual activation through prayer and sacrifice.
Functions- Ikenga is grounded in the belief that the power for a man to accomplish things is in his right hand. It also governs over industry, farming, and blacksmithing, and is celebrated every year with an annual Ikenga festival.It is believed by its owners to bring wealth and fortune as well as protection.

Amadioha is the god of thunder and lightning. He is referred to as Amadiora, Kamalu, Kamanu, or Ofufe. His symbol is a white ram. Amadioha represents the collective will of the people. He is often associated with Anyanwu, who is the god of the Sun..
Functions- Amadioha is known as a god of justice. He speaks through thunder, and he strikes with lightning. He creates thunder and lightning by casting "thunderstones" down to earth. Persons judged guilty by Amadioha are either killed by lightning or attacked by a swarm of bees. The property of the victim is usually taken by the priests of Amadioha, and the body is left unburied and the victim unmourned, as the punishment is considered to be a righteous one from God. Amadioha is used as a curse word. Oaths are often sworn to him, which can carry deadly penalties when broken.
He is also a god of love, peace and unity, and is prayed for increase of crops, children in the home, and benevolence. He represents a messianic hope for those in critical situations. Amadioha is a spirit of enterprise that brings wealth.

Anyanwu is a deity that is believed to dwell in the sun. Anyanwu was one of the principal spirits, often associated with Agbara, the holy spirit as they both dwelled in the sun. This deity was seen as the perfect image of what a human should be.

Their comparisons with the power of Jesus
Christ is seen as the creator and owner of the earth, he gives children, health, wealth and even happiness. He is the God of justice, love and peace. Unlike other gods, He is merciful, He forgives those who come to him for mercy. Other gods are not known for this act. They are known to be filled with wrath, always looking to punish those who err.

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